lundi 12 novembre 2012

combat de coqs

quelques gouaches extraites d'un dossier sur les aztèques ( "grain de soleil" 199…?)
d'affreux enferraillés se battent contre d'affreux emplumés; qui sera victorieux?

franchement j'en ai rien à cirer!

4 commentaires:

Andrea Pucci a dit…

Beautiful Etienne! The color sketches are always amazing! I like it a lot :-)

Mauricio Cardenas a dit…

Did you publish these? Fantastic! and very well documented.

Mauricio Cardenas a dit…

Got more?

Mauricio Cardenas a dit…

The subject is pretty heavy for catholic children, if you ask me!
Yes Etienne, I would love to see more of this if you please. It would be very interesting for me to see how you managed this complicated piece of history.